This is just a classic italian pizza dough made for flat pizza.
Mix flour and water until just barely combined, then let sit covered with a damp cloth for at least 30 minutes, up to 2 hours.
Heat water to ~38°C, add yeast and honey, dissolve and let rest.
If it doesn't bubble up in 10 minutes, your yeast is dead, so start again. If your yeast package says that's not necessary, they're lying cunts. Better to start again with just water, than having a shit dough after 2 days of waiting. If you don't test your yeast, it will be dead because of Murphy's law, and then you will have to commit seppuku because you brought shame upon your family.
Mix yeast mix into autolysed dough and knead everything for 10-15 minutes until dough is smooth and elastic.
Oil up a plastic bag, put dough inside and close with as little air inside while still allowing it to blow up. Put in fridge for at least 8 hours, optimally for 2-3 days.
Take dough out, split into portions (I'm using 300g per pizza), roll into ball, cover with olive oil and let rise again for 1-2 hours.
Preheat oven with pizza stone inside as high as possible (300°C is the sad maximum for home ovens) for at least 30 minutes.
When stretching out the dough, try to leave the inflated edge intact.
Bake, bitch!